颜光耀,刘治国.加速腐蚀环境下 LD2CS 铝合金腐蚀损伤分析方法[J].装备环境工程,2014,11(6):110-115. YAN Guang-yao,LIU Zhi-guo.Research on Analysis Methods for Corrosion Damage of LD2CS Aluminum Alloy in Accelerated Corrosion Environment[J].Equipment Environmental Engineering,2014,11(6):110-115.
加速腐蚀环境下 LD2CS 铝合金腐蚀损伤分析方法
Research on Analysis Methods for Corrosion Damage of LD2CS Aluminum Alloy in Accelerated Corrosion Environment
投稿时间:2014-07-24  修订日期:2014-12-15
DOI:10. 7643 / issn. 1672-9242. 2014. 06. 019
中文关键词:  铝合金  腐蚀深度  数据分析  对比性研究
英文关键词:aluminum alloy  pit depths  data analysis  comparative research
颜光耀 海军航空工程学院 青岛校区, 山东 青岛 266041 
刘治国 海军航空工程学院 青岛校区, 山东 青岛 266041 
YAN Guang-yao Qingdao Branch of Naval Aeronautical Academy, Qingdao 266041, China 
LIU Zhi-guo Qingdao Branch of Naval Aeronautical Academy, Qingdao 266041, China 
      目的 研究 LD2CS 铝合金腐蚀损伤数据的分析方法。 方法 针对 LD2CS 铝合金腐蚀坑深度值,采用最小二乘支持向量机、BP 人工神经网络和求和自回归移动平均等 3 种模型进行回归和预测分析。 对比总结各种模型在小样本递增时间序列下的应用特点。 结果 对于 LD2CS 铝合金腐蚀坑深度值预测,最小二乘支持向量机在回归和预测上都有较高的精度。 结论 最小二乘支持向量机模型最适合 LD2CS 铝合金的腐蚀坑深度值预测。
      Objective To study analysis methods for corrosion damage data of LD2CS aluminum alloy. Methods Three forecasting models were used to conduct regression and prediction analysis, targeting at the corrosion pit depths of LD2CS aluminum alloy structural material, which were LS-SVM, BP-ANN and ARIMA. Basic forecasting principles and forecast accuracy of the three prediction methods were compared and analyzed. Results The calculation results showed that the prediction accuracy and the prediction extensionality of LS-SVM were better than those of the other models for the prediction of corrosion pit depths of LD2CS aluminum alloy. Conclusion LS-SVM was the most suitable model for prediction of corrosion pit depths of LD2CS aluminum alloy.
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