康甜.远程火箭弹高弹道飞行温度环境分析[J].装备环境工程,2017,14(5):16-20. KANG Tian.Temperature Environment for High Trajectory Flight of Long Range Rocket Projectile[J].Equipment Environmental Engineering,2017,14(5):16-20.
Temperature Environment for High Trajectory Flight of Long Range Rocket Projectile
投稿时间:2016-12-25  修订日期:2017-05-15
DOI:10.7643/ issn.1672-9242.2017.04.004
中文关键词:  远程火箭弹  弹道耦合的气动加热  壁面温度
英文关键词:long range rocket projectile  trajectory coupled aerodynamic heating  wall temperature
康甜 中国工程物理研究院总体工程研究所,四川 绵阳 621999 
KANG Tian Institute of Systems Engineering at China Academy of Engineering Physics, Mianyang 621999, China 
      目的 在不采用防热涂层的前提下,为满足远程火箭弹高弹道飞行的防热需求,提出增加壳体厚度的设计思路。方法 通过弹道耦合的气动加热计算,分析不同材料、不同厚度壳体的弹头壁面在飞行过程中的温度变化情况。结果 壳体厚度达到20 mm以上时,铝、钢、铜三种材料壳体的外壁面温度均低于150 ℃,而相同厚度的壳体,钢壳的降温能力最强。结论 增加壳体厚度可以有效降低弹头壳体壁面温度。
      Objective To fulfill the thermal protection requirements on high trajectory flight of long range rocket projectile without coating and propose a design thought on increasing the shell thickness. Methods A trajectory coupled aerodynamic heating compute was adopted to analyze temperature changes of bullet wall surface of various materials and different thickness. Results When the shell thickness was above 20mm, temperature on external surfaces of shell made of aluminum, steel and copper was below 150 ℃. In shells of the same thickness, steel shell has the best cooling capability. Conclusion Increasing the shell thickness can reduce the wall temperature effectively.
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