魏小琴,龙仕腾,符朝旭,黄波,李红英,张伦武.环境温度对复合固体推进剂贮存老化微观损伤作用机制研究[J].装备环境工程,2018,15(4):28-31. WEI Xiao-qin,LONG Shi-teng,FU Zhao-xu,HUANG Bo,LI Hong-ying,ZHANG Lun-wu.Aging Mechanism for Microscopic Damage of HTPB Propellant at Ambient Temperature[J].Equipment Environmental Engineering,2018,15(4):28-31.
Aging Mechanism for Microscopic Damage of HTPB Propellant at Ambient Temperature
投稿时间:2018-01-15  修订日期:2018-04-15
DOI:10.7643/ issn.1672-9242.2018.04.006
中文关键词:  固体推进剂  贮存老化  微观损伤
英文关键词:solid propellant  storage aging  micro-damage
魏小琴 中国兵器工业第五九研究所 国防科技工业自然环境试验研究中心,重庆 400039 
龙仕腾 中国兵器工业第五九研究所 国防科技工业自然环境试验研究中心,重庆 400039 
符朝旭 中国兵器工业第五九研究所 国防科技工业自然环境试验研究中心,重庆 400039 
黄波 中国兵器工业第五九研究所 国防科技工业自然环境试验研究中心,重庆 400039 
李红英 中国兵器工业第五九研究所 国防科技工业自然环境试验研究中心,重庆 400039 
张伦武 中国兵器工业第五九研究所 国防科技工业自然环境试验研究中心,重庆 400039 
WEI Xiao-qin Natural Environmental Test and Research Center of Science, No.59 Institute of Ordnance Industry China, Chongqing 400039, China 
LONG Shi-teng Natural Environmental Test and Research Center of Science, No.59 Institute of Ordnance Industry China, Chongqing 400039, China 
FU Zhao-xu Natural Environmental Test and Research Center of Science, No.59 Institute of Ordnance Industry China, Chongqing 400039, China 
HUANG Bo Natural Environmental Test and Research Center of Science, No.59 Institute of Ordnance Industry China, Chongqing 400039, China 
LI Hong-ying Natural Environmental Test and Research Center of Science, No.59 Institute of Ordnance Industry China, Chongqing 400039, China 
ZHANG Lun-wu Natural Environmental Test and Research Center of Science, No.59 Institute of Ordnance Industry China, Chongqing 400039, China 
      目的 研究复合固体推进剂在环境温度作用下的微观损伤机制。方法 开展复合固体推进剂实验室高温加速老化试验,分析不同损伤程度下的化学官能团和损耗因子的变化规律,综合推断环境温度作用下的微观损伤机制。结果 复合固体推进剂在环境温度作用下,氧化剂AP一直不断地分解释放出活性成分,攻击HTPB粘合剂主链,使粘合剂主链初期主要发生交联反应,生成多种氧化产物如过氧化物、醛基、酯基。在老化后期,粘合剂主链开始断链,断链位置应该为R—CO—NH或C=C处,使得R—CO—NH、C=C含量随着老化时间的增加而逐渐降低。结论 在环境温度的作用下,复合固体推进剂同时发生氧化交联和分解断链两种反应,但老化初期氧化交联占主导,老化后期主要发生分解断链。
      Objective To study the aging mechanism of HTPB propellant at ambient temperature. Methods High temperature accelerated aging test was carried out in the complex solid propellant laboratory to analyze change rules of chemical functional groups and loss factors in different extent of injury and deduce the microscopic damage mechanism at ambient temperature comprehensively. Results At the ambient temperature, oxidizer AP always released active ingredients to attack the main chain of HTPB binder to form a cross-linked polymer and then generate multiple oxides such as peroxide, aldehyde and ester. In the later state of aging, main chain of HTPB binder would be degraded in R—CO—NH or C=C and then the content of R—CO—NH or C=C decreased with the passing of time. Conclusion At the ambient temperature, both cross-linked reaction and degradation reaction of solid propellant occur during the whole process when cross-linked reaction is dominant in the initial stage and degradation reaction plays a leading role in the later stage of aging.
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