刘新国,王哲君,韩永恒,陈家兴.拉伸加载下老化复合固体推进剂的损伤演化定量分析[J].装备环境工程,2024,21(4):1-8. LIU Xinguo,WANG Zhejun,HAN Yongheng,CHEN Jiaxing.Quantitative Characterization of Damage Evolution for Aged Composite Solid Propellant under Tensile Loading[J].Equipment Environmental Engineering,2024,21(4):1-8. |
拉伸加载下老化复合固体推进剂的损伤演化定量分析 |
Quantitative Characterization of Damage Evolution for Aged Composite Solid Propellant under Tensile Loading |
投稿时间:2024-03-28 修订日期:2024-04-17 |
DOI:10.7643/issn.1672-9242.2024.04.001 |
中文关键词: 复合固体推进剂 老化 拉伸加载 损伤演化 定量分析 微CT中图分类号:V512 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1672-9242(2024)04-0001-08 |
英文关键词:composite solid propellant aging tensile loading damage evolution quantitative analysis micro-CT |
基金项目:陕西省高校科协青年人才托举计划项目(20190504) |
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目的 定量分析老化对拉伸加载下复合固体推进剂细观损伤演化的影响规律。方法 开展不同老化时间(0、32、74、98 d)下三组元端羟基聚丁二烯(HTPB)复合固体推进剂的热加速老化试验,以及老化后推进剂的微型哑铃形试验件在不同拉伸应变水平(0、5%、10%、20%、40%、50%)下的微CT扫描观测试验,并对扫描重构图像进行定量分析,获得老化对推进剂细观损伤演化的影响规律。结果 随拉伸应变增加,老化前后推进剂微CT图像的灰度均方差、平均孔隙率和图像的分形维数均呈非线性增加趋势,图像的灰度均值呈非线性减小趋势。在较低应变水平(<10%)下,上述参数受老化时间的影响不显著,但随拉伸应变增加(≥10%)和老化时间增长,灰度均方差、平均孔隙率、孔隙率增量和分形维数的数值整体增高,而灰度均值随老化时间的增长而降低,且不同老化时间下,分形维数与平均孔隙率之间存在正线性关系。结论 重构得到微CT图像的灰度均值、平均孔隙率和分形维数可作为表征参数,用于定量分析老化复合固体推进剂在拉伸载荷下的细观损伤和损伤的动态演化规律,推进剂的初始损伤和小应变下的损伤程度受老化的影响较弱,而老化时间对推进剂细观损伤的影响在较高应变水平下更加显著。 |
英文摘要: |
The work aims to quantitatively analyze the effect of aging on the microscopic damage evolution of composite solid propellant under tensile loading. Thermal accelerated aging tests on three component hydroxyterminated polybutadiene (HTPB) composite solid propellants at different aging times (0, 32, 74, and 98 days) and micro-CT scanning observation tests on small dumbbell shaped sample of aged propellant at different tensile strain levels (0, 5%, 10%, 20%, 40% and 50%) were conducted. Then, the scanning reconstructed images were quantitatively analyzed to obtain the effect of aging on the microscopic damage evolution law of the propellant. As the tensile strain increased, all the gray level mean square deviation, average porosity and fractal dimension of the micro-CT images for the unaged and aged propellant showed a non-linear increasing trend, while the gray level mean value of the images showed a non-linear decreasing trend. At lower strain levels (<10%), the above parameters were not significantly affected by aging time, but at the higher tensile strain (≥10%) and longer aging time, all the values of the gray level mean square deviation, average porosity and fractal dimension increased, while the gray level mean value decreased with aging time. Moreover, there was a positive linear relationship between fractal dimension and average porosity at different aging times. The gray level mean value, average porosity and fractal dimension of the reconstructed micro-CT images can be selected as the characterization parameter to quantitatively analyze the micro damage and dynamic evolution of aged composite solid propellant under tensile load. The initial damage and damage degree of HTPB propellant under small strain are weakly affected by aging, while the effect of aging time on the micro damage of the propellant is more significant at higher strain levels. |
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