刘中柏,高宁波,唐鑫彤,徐业峻.某海域极端环境下15万吨级FPSO波浪荷载数值研究[J].装备环境工程,2024,21(4):109-115. LIU Zhongbai,GAO Ningbo,TANG Xintong,XU Yejun.Wave Loads of a 150 000-ton FPSO in Extreme Environment of a Sea Area[J].Equipment Environmental Engineering,2024,21(4):109-115. |
某海域极端环境下15万吨级FPSO波浪荷载数值研究 |
Wave Loads of a 150 000-ton FPSO in Extreme Environment of a Sea Area |
投稿时间:2024-03-05 修订日期:2024-04-01 |
DOI:10.7643/issn.1672-9242.2024.04.013 |
中文关键词: 浮式生产储卸油装置 势流理论 极端波浪 响应幅值算子 水平弯矩 加速度中图分类号:TG630 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1672-9242(2024)04-0109-07 |
英文关键词:FPSO potential theory extreme wave RAO horizontal bending moment acceleration |
基金项目:中国博士后科学基金(2017M612541) |
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中文摘要: |
目的 评估在役15万吨级FPSO在某海域百年一遇极端波浪作用下典型横剖面的水动力特性,进而得到FPSO的极值荷载,作为FPSO返坞改造的关键控制参数。方法 基于国产自主三维频域线性势流软件COMPASS-WALCS,建立15万吨级FPSO湿表面网格模型,根据三维绕射-辐射理论,计算湿表面上的水动力荷载,将每个绕射单元上的水动压力直接映射到结构模型上进行计算。采用谱分析方法对百年一遇海况进行分析,得到短期运动极值响应。对响应幅值算子(RAO)和波能谱密度进行谱分析,得到极端波浪下的响应谱,进而得到浮体运动和波浪荷载短期预报各种统计值,利用统计方法求得短期响应的最大值。结果 计算了船中部Fr143横剖面的载荷极值,即垂向弯矩、垂向剪力、剖面型心加速度等,发现船舶迎浪时弯矩值最大,随着浪向角增大,弯矩值逐渐减小,剖面垂向剪力则随着浪向角增大逐渐增大。结论 FPSO在极端波浪作用下,其大迎浪角条件下荷载更加危险,需要给予格外关注。 |
英文摘要: |
The work aims to evaluate the hydrodynamic characteristics of a typical cross section of a 150 000-ton FPSO under extreme wave conditions, occurring in a once-in-a-century wave climate in the South China Sea to obtain the extreme load imposed on the FPSO and use it as a critical control parameter for the FPSO’s dry-dock retrofit. Based on the domestically developed 3D frequency-domain linear potential flow software COMPASS-WALCS, a wet surface grid model of the 150 000-ton FPSO was constructed. The three-dimensional diffraction-radiation theory was used to calculate the hydrodynamic loads on wet surface and the water pressure results on each diffraction unit were directly mapped onto the structural model for computation. Spectral analysis was employed to analyze the once-in-a-century wave climate resulting in short-term extreme motion responses. By analyzing the response amplitude operator (RAO) and wave energy spectral density, the response spectrum under extreme waves was obtained to predict various statistical values for the short-term vessel motion and wave loads. Statistical method was used to determine the maximum short-term response. The extreme load values of Fr143 cross section in the middle of the ship, namely vertical bending moment, vertical shear force and profile center acceleration, were calculated. It was found that the bending moment of the ship was the largest when facing the wave, and the bending moment gradually decreased with the increase of the wave angle, while the vertical shear force of the cross section gradually increased with the increase of the wave angle. It can be concluded that the FPSO experiences more hazardous loads when facing extreme waves at large wave angles which require special attention and consideration. |
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