徐扬,傅海涛,轩辕韵佳,张冲,陈锐.多器件联合L波段强电磁脉冲防护模块仿真设计[J].装备环境工程,2024,21(4):140-147. XU Yang,FU Haitao,XUANYUAN Yunjia,ZHANG Chong,CHEN Rui.Simulation Design of Multi-device Joint Strong EMP Protection Module at L-band[J].Equipment Environmental Engineering,2024,21(4):140-147.
Simulation Design of Multi-device Joint Strong EMP Protection Module at L-band
投稿时间:2024-03-07  修订日期:2024-04-03
中文关键词:  强电磁脉冲防护  瞬态电压抑制二极管  气体放电管  微带带通滤波器  射频前端  强电磁脉冲中图分类号:TN973.4 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1672-9242(2024)04-0140-08
英文关键词:strong EMP protection  transient voltage suppression diodes  gas discharge tubes  microstrip bandpass filters  RF front-end  strong electromagnetic pulse
徐扬 湖北省医疗器械质量监督检验研究院,武汉 430075;华中科技大学,武汉 430074 
傅海涛 湖北省医疗器械质量监督检验研究院,武汉 430075 
轩辕韵佳 湖北省医疗器械质量监督检验研究院,武汉 430075 
张冲 湖北省医疗器械质量监督检验研究院,武汉 430075 
陈锐 湖北省医疗器械质量监督检验研究院,武汉 430075 
XU Yang Hubei Medical Devices Quality Supervision and Test Institute, Wuhan 430075, China;Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430074, China 
FU Haitao Hubei Medical Devices Quality Supervision and Test Institute, Wuhan 430075, China 
XUANYUAN Yunjia Hubei Medical Devices Quality Supervision and Test Institute, Wuhan 430075, China 
ZHANG Chong Hubei Medical Devices Quality Supervision and Test Institute, Wuhan 430075, China 
CHEN Rui Hubei Medical Devices Quality Supervision and Test Institute, Wuhan 430075, China 
      目的 设计针对L波段射频前端敏感器件的强电磁脉冲防护模块,利用瞬态电压抑制二极管、气体放电管和发夹型微带带通滤波器进行联合仿真设计。方法 瞬态电压抑制二极管具有快速响应时间,气体放电管具有高功率容量,而微带带通滤波器可分离噪声信号,并保留有效信号。通过结合这些器件进行防护设计,可以充分发挥各自优势,提高系统稳定性和强电磁脉冲防护能力。结果 该模块设计工作频段为1.3~ 1.7 GHz,带内插入损耗小于1.5 dB,在70 dBm功率注入的情况下,防护效果可以达到42.5 dB,具有良好的防护效果。结论 通过分析研究不同器件的特性和优化设计,实现了对L波段频谱的防护,具有重要的实用价值和广阔的应用前景。
      The work aims to design a strong EMP protection module for L-band RF front-end sensitive devices and carry out a joint simulation design with transient voltage suppression diodes, gas discharge tubes and hairpin microstrip bandpass filters. The transient voltage suppression diode had a fast response time, the gas discharge tube had a high power capacity, and the microstrip bandpass filter separated the noise signal and retained the active signal. By combining these devices in the protection design, their respective advantages were fully utilized to improve system stability and provide strong EMP protection. Through the design, the module worked in the frequency band of 1.3~1.7 GHz, the insertion loss was less than 1.5 dB in the working band, and the protection effect reached 42.5 dB under 70 dBm power injection, which indicated a good protection effect. By analyzing the characteristics of various devices and optimizing the design, the study achieves the protection of the L-band spectrum, which has important practical value and broad application prospects.
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