杨光付,邢焕革,裘达夫.基于共享平台的舰船装备腐蚀与防护信息分类方法研究[J].装备环境工程,2017,14(5):86-92. YANG Guang-fu,XING Huan-ge,QIU Da-fu.Information Classification of Corrosion and Protection for Ship Equipment Based on Sharing Platform[J].Equipment Environmental Engineering,2017,14(5):86-92.
Information Classification of Corrosion and Protection for Ship Equipment Based on Sharing Platform
投稿时间:2016-12-28  修订日期:2017-05-15
DOI:10.7643/ issn.1672-9242.2017.04.019
中文关键词:  舰船装备  腐蚀与防护  信息分类  共享平台
英文关键词:ship equipment  corrosion and protection  information classification  sharing platform
杨光付 中国人民解放军九一八七二部队,北京 102442 
邢焕革 海军工程大学 管理工程系,武汉 430033 
裘达夫 中国人民解放军九一八七二部队,北京 102442 
YANG Guang-fu Unit 91872 PLA, Beijing 102442, China 
XING Huan-ge Dept. of Management Engineering, Navy University of Engineering, Wuhan 430033, China 
QIU Da-fu Unit 91872 PLA, Beijing 102442, China 
      目的 研究基于共享平台的舰船装备腐蚀与防护信息分类方法。方法 运用系统工程的观点,结合舰船装备腐蚀与防护的特点,从全系统、全寿命周期角度对舰船装备腐蚀与防护信息涵盖的内容进行分析。根据相关信息分类标准,以标准化工作为基础,结合舰船装备腐蚀与防护信息特征,对舰船装备腐蚀与防护信息分类体系的要求与方法进行研究。结果 依据线面结合的信息分类方法,构建了基于共享平台的舰船装备腐蚀与防护信息分类体系。结论 提出了舰船装备腐蚀与防护信息分类体系的原则要求及分类方法,设计了基于共享平台的舰船装备腐蚀与防护信息分类体系。
      Objective To study information classification methods of corrosion and protection for ship equipment based on sharing platform. Methods By using the system engineering thought and in combination with characteristics of ship equipment corrosion and protection, the information covering contents about the ship equipment corrosion and protection were analyzed from the view of the whole system and whole life. According to relevant information classification standard, in combination with features of ship equipment corrosion and protection information and on the basis of the standardization, principles and requirements on the information classification system about ship equipment corrosion and protection were studied. Results According to the information classification method on line and surface, the corrosion and protection information classification system for ship equipment based on sharing platform was constructed. Conclusion Principles and classification methods for the information classification system about the ship equipment corrosion and protection are put forward; and the corrosion and protection information classification system for ship equipment based on the sharing platform is designed.
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