张辰玉.金属损伤结构复合材料胶接修补胶工程选择试验研究[J].装备环境工程,2018,15(4):56-60. ZHANG Chen-yu.Experimental Study on Engineering Selection of Cementing Repaired Glue with Metal Damage Structure[J].Equipment Environmental Engineering,2018,15(4):56-60.
Experimental Study on Engineering Selection of Cementing Repaired Glue with Metal Damage Structure
投稿时间:2017-12-06  修订日期:2018-04-15
DOI:10.7643/ issn.1672-9242.2018.04.011
中文关键词:  复合材料补片  胶粘剂  腐蚀坑  飞机修理
英文关键词:composite-patches  adhesive  corrosion pit  air structure repair
张辰玉 中国特种飞行器研究所 结构腐蚀防护与控制航空科技重点实验室,湖北 荆门 448035 
ZHANG Chen-yu Aviation Key Laboratory of Science and Technology on Structure Corrosion Prevention and Control, China Special Vehicle Research Institute, Jingmen 448035, China 
      目的 研究不同填充材料对复合材料胶接修理含腐蚀损伤铝板的影响。方法 设计加工铝合金腐蚀损伤的试验件,采用不同的填充方法对试验件进行修理,通过试验验证考核修理方法对试验件的影响。结果 试验件修理后与修理前静强度和疲劳对比试验结果表明,采用J-150胶粘剂填充并修补修理后的试件,静力和疲劳损伤件的承载能力保留率/恢复率均达到75%以上。结论 采用J-150胶粘剂填充并修补的方法操作工艺更为简单,承载能力保留率/恢复率高,推荐采用J-150胶粘剂填充并修补。
      Objective To study effects of different filler materials on the corrosion of aluminum alloy with corrosion damage. Methods Test pieces were designed and used to repair corrosion damage of aluminum alloy by different filling methods. Influences of the repairing method on the test pieces were verified by experiments. Results The static strength and fatigue test results of the test piece after and before repair showed that the retention rate / recovery rate of the bearing capacity of the static and fatigue damage parts was more than 75% when the J-150 adhesive was used to fill and repair the repaired specimen. Conclusion Use of J-150 adhesive filling and repair method allows for simple operation and high bearing capacity retention / recovery rate. It is recommended to use J-150 adhesive for filling and repair.
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